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 首頁 >> 技術(shù)文章 >> 澳大利亞新西蘭標準4688家具桌子強度和耐久性測試包含哪些項目


Furniture facility are the base tool in our daily work and living, with it’s more and more varieties, people also focus on it’s quality more than before, good quality furnishing give you a better enjoyable life,we Donguan Hust Tony Instruments company professionally design and manufacture the furniture testing equipment more than ten years, all those furniture testing machines are used for your furniture safety testing,issue the best quality guarantee on your furniture facilities.


那么AS/NZS 4688標準桌子測試包含哪些項目呢?

 Chairs Products-Tests

AS/NZS 4688: Furniture - Fixed Height Chairs 澳大利亞新西蘭標準4688

Part 2: Determination of Strength and Durability :家具- 固定高度椅第2部分:測定強度和耐久性


7.1 Seat Static Load Test-- (up to 500kg vertical load)椅座靜載荷測試,最高500KG 的垂直加載力

7.2 Back Static Load--- (40kg up to 120kgs) 椅背靜載荷測試,40kg 120kgs

7.3 Arm and wing Sideways Static Load--120~350kg)扶手和翼側(cè)邊靜載荷測試 (120~350kg

7.4 Arm Downward Static Load --120~350kg)扶手垂直靜載荷測試 

7.5 Seat Fatigue Test-- (120 kg to 200kg) 椅座疲勞測試

7.6 Back Fatigue Test-- (40 kg to 200kg)靠背疲勞測試


以上測試項目推薦使用我司生產(chǎn)的TNJ-002 General Purpose Tester for Chairs -A Combined Test Rig 椅子綜合測試儀






For more toys testing items and test method, please feel freely to contact us. Toys complete lab testing solution is available for you at any time.


Dongguan Hust Tony Instruments focus on design and manufacturing the lab testing machines including furniture testing equipment,chairs and table testing machines, sofa testing equipment, indoor and outdoor furniture testing machines, office chairs testing instrument, desk and cabinet testing machines, toys testing machines,toys test equipment, toys testing tools, toys test apparatus, all the testing machines are designed and produced base on the standards of BIFMAASTM、DIN、EN71、GB、ISO、AS/NZS etc. We supply the complete solution of laboratory testing.

東莞華科東尼儀器有限公司專業(yè)生產(chǎn) 玩具測試儀器玩具檢測設(shè)備,家具檢測儀器家具檢測設(shè)備,家具測試儀家具力學(xué)檢測設(shè)備,藤家具檢測設(shè)備,墊檢測設(shè)備,床墊檢測儀器,床墊透氣性檢測儀,床墊甲醛TVOC檢測設(shè)備,沙發(fā)檢測儀器,沙發(fā)測試儀器,辦公椅檢測設(shè)備,童車檢測設(shè)備 ,文具檢測設(shè)備,紡織檢測儀器  Dongguan Hust Tony Instruments Co,Ltd.  

電 話: 86-769-23010657  傳真:86-769-23010667    版權(quán)所有@2013    粵ICP備13040130號        網(wǎng)站地圖